Before you purchase a used crane from Holland you should consider sending an inspector. SGS is too expensive? Talk to Mevas! We are used to inspect used equipment.
Mevas has a new website for used crane inspections.
Our inspection team is well known in the Netherlands and we have inspected many used cranes there. Sometimes we find good machines but in some cases used cranes have been in bad condition. We have trained inspectors for used crane expertise in our team. Of course we inspect used cranes also in Germany, the United Kingdom, in Turkey and Finland.
We know what we need to do when we go for crane inspection. Our team calls the supplier and tells him what is necessary for inspection of a used crane. We also know most of the dealers and have an idea about the behavior and local circumstances. We have inspected cranes at BIG Machinery, Pfeifer Heavy Equipment, Homar, KTR, Geurts and other dealers.
The crane supplier needs to have a crane operator available for at least one hour to test the funcionallity. Crane must be freestanding and partially ballasted.
For inspection of used cranes we use a specific crane inspection checklist. All items which need inspection are liseted and a note about condition will be done by inspector. All crane inspections come along with 100 fotos and detailed report.